No 85 Making me younger.
Satan can do anything and does for his devoted followers.
Over the past two years Satan has been preparing my body to be younger.
As humans get older their bodies are a on the detreating stage. Muscles aren’t as good as they used to be. Climbing stairs becomes difficult. A hand rail is necessary. Bags under the eyes, skin gets loose, wrinkles everywhere and lines appear on the face and many parts of the body, Sexual desires and lusts disappear and cocks stay soft and no more sexual dreams
In Florida in early 2020 i was laying on the bed having a rest. Suddenly my body felt weird. My toes started to tingle, then the tingly sensation appears on my feet, then up my legs. Then my cock and balls then up my chest down my arms to my fingers, then my face and head. It seemed that every nerve in my body tingled and shivered. Knowing that there are billions of nerves and neurons in your body, that every nerve and neurons tingled at the same time i new something really weird was hapening. Then it suddenly stopped.
I lay there in a semi conscious state, but i didnt feel unwell, just relaxed. Then I got up and I was perfectly normal and didnt need to go to a hospital.
Two months later Satan revealed a vision, Then I asked Satan why did he do that. Satan replied. “Father, remember when your body tingled all over and every nerve in your body tingled, ? i did that. I have reversed your body many years , now you will live a very long life”.
Since then the bags from under my eyes and the aged lines on my face have disappeared, my sin has become tighter and lighter in colour. Black aged blotches on my arms and disappeared. Last week I had a big black blotch on my arm, it was there a few days then one day it was less obvious, then the net day it was barely visible and the next day it had gone and is replaced with fresh skin. Ive looked at photos of my face 10-20 years ago and I now look younger.
I sent a photo to my ex wife of 28 years and she thought it was someone else. A friend has asked me if ive use botox and another asked if ive been using cosmetics to reduce my age. Two wees ago a man asked me if im 50 yet. He thought I made an error when I told him i was born in the 1940s and I am 77.
Satan is preparing my body for the great event of editorial no 52
last year in meditation Satan levitated my body above the bed and electrified my whole body, it shook violently. Since then he does acupuncture on me. last year he did his form of acupuncture. He prodded my skin with a slight jab every 10 seconds for 22 hours. Then the next time it was the same but every 20 seconds for 22 hours.
Last month I got out of bed and into the office, my legs felt different. As I went to the kitchen i realized that I went down the steps I didnt need the hand rail and up the 4 steps to the kitchen was the same. I thought “What the fuck is different to my legs”, so i went down the 3 steps and up the 3 again without the hand rail. Then I had breakfast in one hand and coffee in the other and walked down and up into the office unaided. So I then Thanked Satan for reversing my leg muscles.
In December 2024 we went back to that Gay Sauna. I approached the steps to go up. I climbed the steps easily and when I had to go down I remembered what it was like the last time but this time was easy and I didnt hold up the others at the Sauna by going so slow.
Yesterday the acupuncture has appeared again. This time different. Its a sharper needle about every 30 seconds and has been gong for 36 hours so far. That part of my foot is numb. Satan is preparing another part of my body.
No 86. Bit and pieces
Satan rewards us by making life easier for us.
Living the Satanic lifestyle is so much more than Fantastic sex
A few days ago we went to town to go to a specific restraunt. it was a beatifull sunny day and people were out in force, the street was full of parking. It looked like we might have to walk a great distance top this restraunt. Satan reserved us a space right next to the restraunt.
I went to a store to purchse new pants. I selected the design and all sizes were there BUT only one of the size I needed.
We went to a vegetable shop and I wanted a watermellon. I wanted a big one but they seemed to only have small ones, but looking at them all I found only one big one.
I wanted a new cell phone in blue. The colour of blue the store had only one available or many of the other colours.
We had 6 bottles of wine in the car and we went to a restraunt. They accepted the wine in exchange for two meals.
No 87 Phase two of acupuncture
Unique. Undefined.
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