poppers – amyl
Father Grahams successful methods of using poppers/amyl.
Father Graham never wastes using poppers for sex.
Satan has given Father Graham new methods to reach him with using poppers/amyl as it opens my mind for Satan to enter and gives me extraordinary experiences.
There are so many to choose from, which one will I like or will I like them all and is it the bottle that stands out to me.
Im now so fucking confused which to purchase. With this page I will share with you what I like and that suits me.
What suits me might not suit you.
NEVER drink the contents
They come in an array of vapors
Poppers come in five strengths from mild to strong and the price does not reflect that.
These are what I use.
“Pig black and Blackout are my favourites and are super strong and sends me into orbit, but if they’re not available, then I go for Amsterdam or Blue boy.
If you purchase over the counter, be aware when they are manufactured. If they are made in China, then be cautious as they dont seem to have strick quality control. The ones I bought from China, most seem watered down.
I import mine from France and most are made in France or Germany. It is worth the wait for the best quality
purchaseWhen i worship Satan using poppers,
I put on my Satanicly infused cock ring, pendant and finger ring.
Then get naked turn off all the lights and I pray at the altar, then face the bed and dedicate tonight to Satan.
Then I lay in bed on my back. I usually watch some porn and get my cock hard.
Masturbation methods
Masturbate slow.
Or slow slow stop, Slow slow stop, slow slow stop, Slow slow stop, and focus on the dark
When im further into the trance I masturbate very slow
Method one
I’ve learnt several methods
When I start a new session with Satan this us what I do.
I take 3 really deep sniffs in each nostril then keep sniffing soft but continuous sniffing and keep short sniffs to keep up the momentum.
Focus on the dark. Consentrate on any light you see and try to look into it.
Method two
Breathing method An extension I do the same procedure But i then take a deep sniff and hold it inside my lungs for as lomg as a can amd concentrate on Satan
Each time I slowly masturbate.
Both methods Ive have had incredable experiences. Often Demons Satan Levitate my body in a horozntal position, and even transported to a planet not of earth
And always lay on my back
This is the time that i get produts satanicly infused