Cristian shame


The bible does say to give your 10%. However, it says a lot of other things that Christians don’t do as its not what they want to hear. 


This selection of Christian preachers in the USA is collectively worth $1,310 Million dollars. That’s 1.3B$

That’s Shameful for 12 preachers bluging on Christianism to live a lifestyle of privelage.  



When Mike and I went to church they often had a special giving weekend, then a few months after we saw how the preacher went on a 10,000km vacation to Disneyland with his wife and kids. 

The Bible says to give 10% of income, including the poor and pensioners, yet these preachers its all for themselves, and how much do they give towards the poor and those caught up with  Covid19 and losing their employment to be forced onto the streets. 

Personally I don’t have a problem with earning a wage, but excessive pay and with no consideration on their congregations to give 10%, and more just to give them an unrealistic lifestyle yes I do have a problem with this.

If Satan allows me, I can bring these people down to earth I will and they will pay the price of excessive wealth.

Christian shame

  • Joyce Meyer 


  • Included her $10 million jet and several million-dollar homes, as well as a $107,000 silver Mercedes. 
  • Net worth $8 million

  • T.D.Jakes

  • Personalty income not disclosed, what lies and secrets is he hiding
  • Net Worth $18 million

  • Franklin Graham

  • Son of Billy Graham
  • Personal assets not disclosed.
  • What lies and deceit is he hiding
  • Net worth $25 million

  • KerryStone

  • Worth $22 million.
  • He has just admitted to his wife that he had sex with one of his female employees

  • Kenneth Copeland

  • Kenneth Copeland Ministries is located on a 1,500-acre campus near Fort Worth, Texas. The grounds include a church as well as a private airstrip and hangar for a $17.5 million jet and other aircraft. Copeland reportedly lives in a $6.3 lakefront mansion funded by his church.
  • Net worth $300 million but unofficial reports it as $750 million or more.

  • Jentezen Franklin


    His income is under review and has attracted criticism. 

  • Net worth $100 million

  • Creflo Dollar

  • Has $69 million in cash ,  

  • He has been criticized for his lavish lifestyle.  as he owns two Rolls-Royces, a private jet, a million dollar home in Atlanta, and a 2.5 million dollar residence in Manhattan. In 2007, U.S. Senator Charles Grassley named him and other evangelists in a financial investigation, mentioning lavish lifestyles and questioning their use of cash gathered from churchgoers and viewers. He has denied any wrong doing.
  • Net Worth $27 million

  • Jesse Duplantis

  • lives in prosperity as agospel preacher from the Christian Evangelical Charismatic tradition based in New Orleans, Louisiana, US, and the founder of Jesse Duplantis Ministries. From my list of preachers, this man seems to be the most honest but still to be worth this excessive wealth
  • Net worth $50 million but unoffically alot more

  • Benny Hinn

  • Hinn’s personal use of church-owned luxury goods has attracted criticism. 
  • In April 2017, IRS and U.S. Postal Service criminal investigators raided Hinn’s headquarters in Grapevine, Texas. 
  • Net worth $60 million

    • Pat Robertson 

    • Not disclosed. It’s private because he’s ashamed at having such wealth
    • Net Worth $100 million

  • Jamal Bryant

  • Public speaking fee $10-20,000. last year he had 14 speaking locations and @ $10,000* each thats $140,000 to talk about Jesus and his love to screw christains of their money.   Thats Shamfull
  • Net worth $20 million
  • *He charges between $10-20,000 per sermon. 

  • David Oyedepo

    A Nigerian pastor who has a net worth of $150 million. Having enjoyed a reputation as the richest pastor in Africa.

  • Net worth $150 Million